If you are, then let me keep you in suspense a bit longer....just kidding :). I'm currently sitting in the McCarran airport (that's Las Vegas) waiting to board a Southwest flight for....San Jose! I got home last night, I didn't go into the living room, I didn't even look at our hobby room door, I DID attempt to pass go and collect $200, but apparently it was after bankers hours, so I just crawled into bed. Then I admit, I got out of bed to toast a bagel (nourishment was needed), I brought the bagel to bed, ate it, zoned out on some tv, and fell into about a 9 hour slumber. I awoke about 45 minutes before my alarm went off...tried to will myself back to sleep, which didn't happen, so I jumped in the shower and said...."I'm going to a mini show!" Yippy!!!!!!!
Skip forward 7 hours....I'm on the flight home to Vegas. WOW... My day was amazing! My brain it over-floweth with ideas. 1st things 1st though....wanna see a few pics I took of some projects on display? I thought so :)

I took pix of this travel trailer, because every time I see this kit built, I have to take a picture, so someday when I get around to making mine, I will have lots to reference. Also, it's made into like a food truck...that is SO COOL! I love this idea!
I LOVE bricks! I have them painted in the living room of my real house. I love them in miniature houses and scenes, I also love the sign and the foliage on this...is foliage the right word here?
These secret books are amazing! Check out her website
www.robinbetterley.com if (and probably when) I venture into another size or trying something new, I will be ordering a kit from her. Maybe I should start my wish list for Christmas, although who would I give the list to, Casey & I usually get something practical for a joint gift...like a transmission...hahaha I'm already making jokes about it.
This pic didn't turn out well, but I took it as I was considering
making a Halloween scene at some point.
This is very cool, and I love the use of the truck!
Anything french, bistro, or boutiquey is high on my list of likes.
the last 3 are the "Chinatown Green Dragon Restaurant" by MeShelle Keel. I just LOVE it! The basement, the kitchen, the exterior...really, it's just amazing!
This armour was stunning, again my pix stink, but you get the gist :)
"The Tuck Box" by Don Silva is just great.
I love the curved roof in front, the sign, the awning, just everything!
I forgot to photograph who made this candy shop, but it is just candy-tacular!
I love the Carmel apples, especially given my recent failure in them :)
Her use of different beads and such for candy was ingenious, and very inspirational!
This was the 1st picture I took (Believe it or not), and mainly because
1 project I'm starting now is going to have a metal or copper roof :)
So here is how I tackled the showroom floor, first I went through fairly quickly and just got a basic visual of what was there (I skimmed a few booths more than others), then I went through a second time at a leisurely pace, with the end intention of then going for lunch, thinking things over and then going through a final time slowly and doing my shopping. Well that 'plan' sounded good, except at the end of the 1st row (the 2nd trip through) was this little gord birdhouse on a stick that I just fell in love at 1st site with and well for $8 it wasn't worth risking someone else snagging it up. Then about half way down the last row (still on the 2nd trip through) I was soo hungry that I had a headache, so the last half row didn't get very much attention, but that was ok, there wasn't much I was interested in there anyway.
I returned after a much needed lunch break and started to shop. Let me tell you something, shopping is hard! Two reasons: A)The selection and quality of most everything there was amazing and 2) while I was at lunch they called to inform me my Jeep repairs were done and the bill is a little over $2100...so I'm now feeling even more thrifty than I normally am, and let me tell you....I'm a thrifter! Baring this in mind, I resisting purchasing a few things that I loved, but knew they would be for a future project that Casey and I are planning, and I even if it was something that was only like a $1, I still really made sure it was something I truly loved. The other thing is this, I'm SO into making things myself right now for projects, that its difficult to purchase ready made things. I love/hate that.
O' I forgot to mention, I won a door prize! It's this tiny zoo??? from Kummerow's Studio of Miniature Design.

I have no idea why this picture won't turn! I thought I had solved that problem. O well.
Wanna see what I purchased? Good...
From Dragonfly International I got a set of 3/16" keeper kutters, which I've been considering ordering online for a while, these will be great for my clay obsession. I bought a laser cut measuring stick and cutting board. She had a couple kits (like the doll truck) that I really wanted, but I talked myself out of..darn budget :(. I bought a new fine tip glue bottle (my last one the top malfunctioned...not a glamorous purchase, but a needed purchase) and I purchased 1 sheet of boutique boxes to make for a project.
From The Stick People I bought this gord birdhouse....love it!!!
From Stewart Dollhouse Creations I purchased a laser cut log cabin dollhouse for Norah :) and frosting kit. I REALLY wanted the cupcake kit, but it was out of my budget :(
From Sir Thomas Thumb I got 5 canes, I've never used canes before, and over been considering ordering some to try, so how cool, now I have them...no waiting for the mail or paying shipping!
From Hestia House I purchased this wood sign (I broke my rule on this one, it is for a future project, BUT, it's also a little gift for my husband, so it's ok to brake the rule if its a gift :)

And finally, from M & M specialties, I bought 2 counters for my new project. Yes, 1 of these I could very easily make myself...the other has plexi in it for glass, so that's outside my skills...but honesty, for the purchase price, it's just easier to focus on how I'm going to finish them vs taking up my valuable time building them from scratch. Besides, I just love them. Ironically, i have 2 at home I bought about 20 years ago that for some reason, given everything I've gotten rid of, those have stayed with me..and they are still unfinished still...oops.... They will get put to use soon though, I promise myself :)

So you see, I didn't get crazy, in fact I feel kinda guilty for not purchasing more from the dealers, but for my 1st show in about 20 years, I got a feel for it, I learned I wanna save some cash to attend another one (and not have to be on such a tight budget), I grabbed some business cards so I can do more searching online and more than anything, I got some great ideas and inspiration....like I need more inspiration!
Now my plan for tomorrow is this....stay home all day and night and work in my hobby room! Being I live in Vegas, this next question is completely legal...who wants to place bets on that actually happening?