Thursday, December 31, 2015

Day 118: 2015 shall be known as the year of completed projects!

I first introduced this project on Day 102 which was 3/25/2014, 
and at that point the entire shell and store fixture's were
done and the electricity was in.  

Prior to that I posted some items that I had already completed that winter/spring
for this project, the vintage LP's, the napkins, some journals
and Sophie's Sweets, so knowing all that was done, 
why did it take me too song to finish this darn project?

Somehow it just always kept getting pushed to the back while
I worked on things I was more interested in at the time.
But now, I'm on a mission, I want to finish as many as the projects I 
have going as possible, before I start another one, so today
I sat down in my studio and didn't let myself quit until it was done!

With no further ado, I give you
Something Old, Something New
Bric a brac for those with discerning taste

See the Journals from early 2014?

A little something for just about any women!

The vintage LP's are kinda hard to spot, but there in a crate
under the bench under the window.

Hope you enjoyed viewing this project, 
I'm not sure how I can be more productive in 2015, 
but at least I'm starting it with ONLY 2 projects already started :)
I never thought I'd get to the point of being down to 2!

1 comment:

  1. The finished shop is lovely. I'd be sure to find many things I'd "need" to purchase.;-)
