Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 90: Mae's Flower Stand

One of the many things I picked up at the Philly Show in early November 
was a kit from Suzanne & Andrews Miniatures

I had originally wanted a different kit of their's, but it was out of stock 
(apparently it was a favorite pick for many)
none the less, I really wanted to try my hand at a smaller scale, 
and I thought this would be a great way to give it a shot.

This market stall is quarter scale 
(as a reference for my friends that 
aren't miniaturists I took the 1st picture with 2
U.S. Quarters stacked up)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 89: The Shabby Chic Cottage is complete

My shabby chichi cottage project is complete!

After traveling for the past 3 months I was soo excited to be home that I 
immediately got to work to finish this fun project.
I purchased the cupola from the Philly show last month

The chandelier also was a philly show purchase, although I'm not 100% content with it, 
so it may see some changes in the future, but until I figure out 
what exactly it needs, it's done :) 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 88: GOOD NEWS!

Remember this place?
It won 1st prize in the Make It Yours Contest!


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 87: Halloween Fabrics and Patterns

In honor of Halloween, 
here are some Halloween Patterns you can print onto
fabric to make some mini Halloween projects

Again the squares are great for pillows, napkins, towels

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day 86: Strawberry Shortcake

I started off today thinking about paper dolls 
As I do about every day, I jump on the google and start searching
I of course find a few I really love, but they all of a sudden there's
Strawberry Shortcake!

So I decide to make some Strawberry Shortcake paperdoll's for my little girl's room in one of my houses, not a box set or a book of them, just some loose sheets. 

But then I think more about Strawberry shortcake and I think wouldn't it be cute to maybe wrap a gift, 
so I start working on making some patterns. 

Well this is what I ended up with
Could be used for fabric, or whatever....

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 85: Mexican Inspired

I love guacamole! 
Print this guacamole mix printie.....
then using polymer clay you can make tortilla chips, 
which I've done
but where are the pictures?
Your guess is as good as mine. 
I know I took some! But since I'm sitting in a hotel in Montreal, Canada and the chips are in my 
studio in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia...I'm NOT going to run home to take a new one.

So being Mexican inspired I will share some quesadilla's that I know I've shared before, 
but is fitting with this printie :)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Day 84: Cheezez

Have a cheeze cracker craving?
How about trying Cheez ez's :) 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day 83: Holiday Gift Boxes

Since I'm on a holiday kick lately, I thought I would make some holiday boxes.
You can make these super easy and in any size.  
Here's how I did these:
1) I google searched Holiday gift box free printable (in images)
2) I found one I liked, then clicked the link for the website
(I did this as the website has many to choose from)
3) I moved the image for the printable onto my desktop 
(as I'm not going to use it full size, so I can't just click "print")
*If you just want the 1 from google you don't need to go to the website
4) I open a new page in my photoshop 
5) drag the image onto the page 
6) size to whatever I want, these boxes I made rather small, maybe for small gifts
7) Repeat for each additional box
8) Save and print

As a reminder, please only use anything on my blog for your personal use

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 82: Only 60 Mini'ing days until Christmas

Is 'Mini'ing' a word?

Well since I'm still in "stock up on patterns and fabrics to print" phase, I thought I'd spend some time making some Christmas and/or holiday prints to have on hand just in case I ever get a bug up my mini tush to make a holiday scene/room box or house.

Some of the problems with making these fabric sheets without any projects in mind is that A) It's impossible to know how much to make for each pattern, usually I make what I need so I save ink and fabric sheet space...2) Usually I choose patterns based on the project so who knows if these will work for anything I may make in the future.....3) Sizing the patterns without a project in mind is difficult, usually when I'm working on something in particular I will adjust the pattern size based on what the fabric is being used for.... and 4) It's difficult to know when to stop making them...I have nothing but time on my hands right now, so based on how long on average it takes me to make each page (which BTW is 2 or 3 pages per hour)...I could make A LOT this week :) 

Well with no further are some Holiday fabric sheets

Wouldn't the smaller circles be great holiday coasters?

Merry Early Christmas :) 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 81: Raggedy Ann & Andy

Do you love Raggedy Ann & Andy?
I do :) 

One of the 1st things I ever saw in miniature that I fell in love with was a bedroom set in Raggedy Ann and Andy, this was maybe 30 years ago???  
And yet I've never done a scene with anything Raggedy Ann & Andy related...maybe someday!

I did recently participate in a  Raggedy Ann & Andy swap though,
and one of the things I made was coloring books

just in case you need some coloring books, here are the 2 pages I made

I cut everything apart, stack them (trim again if necessary) 
and then glue the one edge with tacky glue.

I also made some pillows, this was the fabric that I printed to make them

This is just a picture I found on the internet while researching, but it has a cool story....
So I had this little set when I was a kid, each doll was maybe 2inches tall.  
I lost Ann like almost immediately, but I had Andy for years...
and years...and years...and years!  
In fact every time I'd move I'd find him somewhere, he even still had his hat, even though it was no longer attached.  How I didn't lose him or that hat always amazing me.  
I was soo in love with that little doll.  

Well....about 18 months ago when we did the grand downsize and had the major estate sale, he must have been inside something that sold, because I haven't seen him since ;( 

This might sound crazy, but of everything I ever lost (or got rid of) I miss Andy the most.

I keep dreaming he'll all of a sudden show up in something some day, in fact I have a couple boxes in storage at my in-laws place and when I was there last month I went through them, 
thinking he was maybe in them...
but he wasn't :(  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 80: Autumn Fabrics and Patterns

I'm not joking...I'm currently going out of my mind!!!!!
I have now been in Montreal for a week, I do believe I've seen everything here that I care to see, 
the weather is starting to get cooler (I was ok with a high of 60, even when it felt like 50...
but I'm not so happy about 40's and 50's!) and unless something changes, I'm going to be stuck here for another 5 or 6 days!

So what does that leave me with?
Hour after hour sitting in a hotel room working on computer projects.

So far I've managed to get up to date with choosing my pictures for 2013 that make my 2013 album, I've even uploaded most of them to the album, but honestly I'm just not 'into' it right now (I use Picaboo for my albums...just in case your curious).  I also do have 1 or 2 other computer related projects to do, but dragging my feet on them also.  

I have been enjoying making some pages to print fabrics though, just in case I get home at some point and decide to work on some projects that I have zero plans for at the moment :) 
Anyway, I was thinking about halloween yesterday while trying to figure out what to do with my afternoon, and it got me thinking about making some halloween fabrics, which I'm working on, but I think there is a day coming up that would be appropriate to share those on.  Any how, it got me thinking of other themes and so I started with Autumn...and no it wasn't because it started with A, although maybe that's what I should do, make a few pages of patterns for every letter of the alphabet, that would give me something to do :) 

I like the squares for making pillows, towels, napkins, etc. 

These 2 patterns could be used for just about anything, not just for an autumn theme.
I'm not sure what it is about striped that get me soo excited some times, but this one I just find wonderful!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 78: I made it through the vendor list!

I finally made it through the rest of the vendor list for Philly.

How adorable is this little baby boy?
And I do have a baby boy room in mind :) 

Totally my style...although I'm not sure
she does this herself, she seems to specialize in shoes

I actually need a couple chair kits, going to check these out

Yep...French accents :) 

More kits to check out

More kits :) 

And that my friends are the kinds of things I will be looking at